Computer Tomographs

A computed tomography (CT) scanner is a piece of equipment used to produce cross-sectional images of the human body. Each cross-sectional image represents a “slice” of the patient. These cross-sectional images are used for a variety of diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. CT scans can be performed on any area of the body for diagnosis, treatment planning, and therapy monitoring. Computed tomography (CT) scans are performed on an outpatient basis.
CT scanners help detect many types of cancer because the images allow the doctor to confirm the presence of a tumor and determine its size and location. CT machines are fast, painless, non-invasive, and accurate. In emergency situations, this type of examination can quickly and accurately detect internal injuries and bleeding, which can save the patient’s life.
How a CT system works
A medical CT scanner is installed in a special room. A motorized table moves the patient through a circular opening in the CT imaging system. While the patient is inside the opening, the X-ray source and detector assembly inside the system rotate around the patient. One rotation usually takes a second or less. As the X-ray source rotates, it creates a narrow fan-shaped beam of X-rays that passes through part of the patient's body.
Detectors in rows opposite the X-ray source record the radiation passing through the patient's body as a snapshot in the process of creating an image. Many different "snapshots" (from different angles through the patient) are collected during one complete rotation.
Each time the scanner rotates around the patient, the image data is sent to a computer to reconstruct all the individual "snapshots" into one or more cross-sectional images of the organs and tissues.
The images produced by a CT scanner provide greater clarity and detail than conventional X-rays, such as a chest X-ray.
Depending on the area being examined and the sophistication of the scanner, the procedure usually takes several minutes. For example, a chest scan takes less than a minute, and the patient only needs to hold their breath once for a few seconds.
Use of CT Scans
The detailed images produced by CT scans provide more information about tissue density and the location of abnormalities than X-rays, so doctors can pinpoint structures and the location of abnormalities. CT scans allow doctors to differentiate between different types of tissue, such as muscle, fat, and connective tissue. Thus, CT scans can provide detailed images of certain organs that are not visible on X-rays, and are more useful for visualizing most structures in the brain, head, neck, chest, and abdomen.
In Ukraine, CT scans are often unavailable in public health facilities, which reduces their diagnostic capabilities. In contrast, those private clinics that have this equipment consider this fact a competitive advantage.
Variations of CT
There are several different procedures that are performed using CT technology. For example, CT angiography is performed to obtain 2- and 3-dimensional images of blood vessels, including the arteries that supply the heart (coronary arteries). The study is performed with contrast. The images are taken quickly and synchronized so that they show the contrast agent flowing through the blood vessels being assessed. The computer digitally removes all tissue except the blood vessels from the images. CT can also be used to obtain images of the upper gastrointestinal tract (CT enterography), colon (CT colonography), and urinary system (CT urography).
Buy a CT scanner in Ukraine
The company "Rad Pharm", being a representative and long-term partner of many companies - manufacturers of medical equipment in Ukraine, offers CT machines inexpensively, at a bargain price. We have supplemented each CT scanner in the catalog with characteristics, price and photos, so that it is easier for buyers to evaluate the capabilities of the equipment. We will also be happy to provide detailed advice to buyers from Ukraine and European countries. Contact the manager by phone to buy equipment. Do not forget to order delivery. We accompany each contract with a full service package, which includes installation of equipment, staff training. All devices are accompanied by a guarantee.
Supria Advantages Patient-friendly and easy to fit into the healthcare facility. 75 cm gantry opening. The Speedia CT has one o..
Supria Advantages Patient-friendly and easy to fit into the healthcare facility. 75 cm gantry opening. The Speedia CT has one o..