

Digital X-ray surgical device type C-arc SYMBOL 10R12

Complete set: generator power 10 kW, rotating anode, X-ray amplifier with an input field diameter of 30 cm and a camera 1k x ..

5 600 000 uah
Digital X-ray surgical device type C-arc SYMBOL 5R9

Complete set: generator power 5 kW, rotating anode, X-ray amplifier with an input field diameter of 23 cm and a camera 1k x 1..

4 600 000 uah
Digital C-arm device FDX Visionary C
Digital C-arm device FDX Visionary C

Increased comfort of use Compact design Lightweight and mobile large-diameter C-arch for easy access to the operating table. E..

0 uah
Digital C-arm device FDX Visionary CS
Digital C-arm device FDX Visionary CS

Simply unique Flat panel detector High resolution imaging surfaces available from 21x21 cm to 30x30 cm. Removable anti-scatter..

0 uah
Digital device type C-Arm FDR Cross
Digital device type C-Arm FDR Cross

Fluoroscopy. Static images. One smart device. The FDR CROSS C-arm provides a single solution for dynamic fluoroscopy and static..

0 uah
Digital X-ray surgical device like C-arc SYMBOL FP L CARDIOVASCULAR

Complete set: generator power 20 kW Planarix®, x-ray tube with a rotating anode 3000-10000 rpm, min., water coolin..

12 000 000 uah
Digital X-ray surgical device like C-arc SYMBOL FP L SURGICAL

Complete set: generator power 20 kW Planarix®, x-ray tube with a rotating anode 3000-10000 rpm, min., air cooling, digit..

10 800 000 uah
X-ray diagnostic system DP580B

System for radiography and radioscopy of patients in a standing position, lying with a wheelchair or bed, sitting on a chair, whee..

4 280 000 uah
Showing 1 to 8 of 8 (1 Pages)
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