Digital X-ray surgical device like C-arc SYMBOL FP L SURGICAL
Product Code: 1157
10 800 000 uah
Cash, non-cash, VISA / Mastercard

We offer:
- Warranty 12-24 months
- Warranty free service and post-warranty
- Equipment instalation and staff training at the company's expense
- Full customer support (phone consultation even after installation)
- Visiting the exhibition hall
- Leasing sale
- Holding conferences and events
- Quick response to a request
Deliver with your own car or via Nova Poshta
Free delivery from 2000 UAH
Complete set:
generator power 20 kW Planarix®,
x-ray tube with a rotating anode 3000-10000 rpm, min.,
air cooling,
digital flat panel detector 26x30 cm,
image resolution 1.6k x 1.4k (1560x1420),
digital module "film loop": speed of 18 pulses / s when receiving images + playback of the film loop,
digital image processor with the ability to store 500,000 images,
digital workstation with software for receiving, processing and archiving digital images,
two 21-inch medical monochrome monitors on a wheelchair.
Product reviews and questions 1
Delivery across Ukraine

Доставка по Україні: Запоріжжя, Дніпро, Миколаїв, Житомир, Харків, Чернівці, Одеса, Полтава, Черкаси, Херсон, Івано-Франківськ, Вінниця, Київ та інші міста України.