The device for artificial ventilation of lungs (АVL) Aeros 4600

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As confirmed by recent events related to the world pandemic COVID-19, the availability of specialized equipment to ensure the forced operation of the human respiratory system is necessary not only for intensive care units, but also for the treatment of patients with infectious diseases. Forced delivery of an air-oxygen mixture into the lungs provides the blood of a person who is unconscious or unable to take a breath on his or her own with the oxygen necessary for the body's vital functions.
The Aeros 4600 artificial lung ventilation machine offered by Rad Farm in Ukraine is a modern example of medical equipment. The model was developed by the famous German company DIXION GmbH. Its design harmoniously combines the advantages of full-fledged invasive ventilation with the advantages of flexible non-invasive ventilation.
Scope of application of the Aeros 4600 ventilator model
The Aeros 4600 ventilator is designed for short-term or long-term temporary functions of the human respiratory system. By its operation the device provides introduction of air-oxygen mixture into the patient's lungs and removal of carbon dioxide from them. Such a temporary replacement of the respiratory function is extremely necessary in cases when a person's respiratory system ceases to function fully. The main causes of such a situation are:
- Violation of gas exchange due to pulmonary edema, a complicated course of pneumonia and a number of other diseases. As a result, the lungs cease to function normally, a person becomes difficult to breathe and suffocates.
- Severe trauma in the chest or throat area, caused by mechanical impact, as a result of which the inhalation-exhalation process is very difficult.
- Various kinds of malfunctions of the central nervous system. As a consequence of depressed CNS functions, a person does not control the work of the musculature - can not breathe independently.
- Complete or partial obstruction of the airways due to edema of local tissues, bronchial spasm, other types of similar pathologies.
The doctor, using the Aeros 4600 ventilator, not only provides outside breathing to the patient, but also gets the time and opportunity to perform rescue actions to normalize the patient's health.
The most common are stationary models of forced pulmonary ventilation devices, installed in hospital wards and boxes. But, it will be more rational to buy a mobile (mobile) ventilator (ventilator) Aeros 4600, which can work equally effectively, as installed near the patient's bed, and during his transportation to the procedure room or operating room, and back. This model is equipped with small wheels, with the help of which is easy and smooth movement of the device from place to place.
In Ukraine, such ventilators are installed in public and private clinics, in medical institutions where there are surgical departments and intensive care rooms.
Features, main characteristics
The model of Aeros 4600 ventilator, has an electric drive and integrated operating system that provides the necessary customization and control of work. Thanks to its design features and well thought-out control system, the device can be used in resuscitation and therapy, both adult patients and children.
Using Aeros 4600 ventilator in the postoperative period, it is possible to monitor in real time the main indicators of alarm conditions, ventilation.
The efficiency of operation is ensured by the following features:
- Adult and pediatric patients are monitored by the volume and pressure of air entering the lungs.
- 8-inch multicolor screen and touch buttons make setting and control of the device comfortable for medical personnel.
- FiO2 is monitored in dynamic mode.
- The Day/Night mode control function provides the patient with a restful night's sleep.
- The rechargeable battery ensures the device's operability in case of emergency centralized power failure.
- In case of problems, one of the three degrees of alarm is activated, by means of light and sound effects, accompanied by the appropriate recommendation.
The main characteristics of Aeros 4600:
- Respiratory volume - from 20, to 2000 ml.
- Inspiratory airflow (adults) - from 0.0 to 180.0 l/min.
- Inspiratory airflow (children) - 0.0 to 100.0 l/min.
- Inhalation duration (adults) - from 0.2 sec. To 9.0 sec.
- Inhalation duration (children) - from 0.2 sec. to 5.0 sec.
- Nominal inspiratory pressure - 5.0-70.0 mbar.
- Peak inspiratory pressure - 80.0 mbar.
- Inhalation-exhalation ratio - from 1:10, to 4:1.
- Respiratory rate - from 1 breath/min, to 80 breaths/min.
- Oxygen concentration - from 21.0%, to 100.0%.
- Breathing delay alarm (apnea) - within 10-60 seconds.
Where to buy Aeros 4600 ventilator in Ukraine?
The company “Rad Farm” offers all interested parties inexpensively purchase a modern ventilator model Aeros 4600, produced by a well-known German brand. Thanks to direct deliveries, our customers receive moderate, competitive prices, free training of medical staff and professional warranty service. Also, we can order address delivery to any region of Ukraine. The price of this service is negotiated individually.
More detailed information can be obtained from the sales consultant “Rad Farm” by calling the contact phone number.
The Aeros 4600 (DIXION GmbH, Germany) combines the benefits of flexible non-invasive ventilation with full-featured invasive ventilation for efficient resuscitation and intensive care.
- 12.1-inch color TFT display
- Multifunctional ventilator with BIVENT and PRVC modes
- Compact, with a powerful battery, does not require a compressor, easy to lubricate
- Flexible configuration: can be placed on a wheelchair, on a bed or on a ceiling shoulder console
- Patented heated exhalation valve: metal, suitable for autoclave sterilization
- Built-in non-detachable flow sensor
USB port and software that is constantly updated
Features | Value |
Ventilation modes | VCV (A/C), PCV(A/C), PRVC (опцiя), PSV (опцiя), SIMV (VCV) + PSV, SIMV (PCV) + PSV, SIMV (PRVC) + PSV SPONT/CPAP + PSV BIVENT/APRV + PSV (опцiя) NIV/CPAP, NIV-T, NIV-S/T |
Additional features | Apnea ventilation, flow and pressure trigger, automatic leakage compensation (ATC), Smart suction function, manual mode, inhale / exhale delay, still image, nebulizer, lung recruitment function |
Parameters | 20-2000 ml |
Respiratory volume VT | 1 to 80 beats / min |
Respiratory rate RR | 0.2 to 9 sec (adults), 0.2 to 5 sec (children) |
Inhalation time Ti | 0 to 100 l / min (children), 0 to 180 l / min (adults) |
Inhalation flow Flow | 5 to 70 mbar (cmH2O) |
Inhalation pressure Pinsp | 80 mbar (cmH2O) |
Peak inspiratory pressure Pmax | 0 to 35 mbar (cmH2O) |
PEEP | 0 to 2 sec |
Tslope range | 21 to 100% |
Oxygen concentration FiO2 | 0.5 to 20 l / min (flow trig.), -20 to 0 mbar (cmH2O) (pressure trig.) |
Trigger sensitivity | 1/10 to 4/1 |
Inhale / exhale ratio | 10-60 sec |
Apnea anxiety | 20-2000 ml |
Monitoring |
The value of pressure | Pplat, Ppeak, Pmean, Pmin, PEEP |
Volume / flow indicators | VTI, VTE, MV, MVe, MVspont |
Indicators of time | fzagaln, fspont, inhalation: exhalation |
Loops | Pressure-volume, pressure-flow, flow-pressure, breath O2, concentration. FiO2, exhaled CO2, concentration. etCO2, compliance (dynamic and static), resistance (R), leakage volume (MVleak), RSBI, WOB, inhalation: exhalation, Vdaw, PEEPi |
Alarms | High / Low tidal volume, high / low breath pressure ways, depressurized. contour, height post. breath pressure ways, high. volume of breath., height. spontaneous frequency. inhalation, apnea, high / low concentration 02, high / low conc. (02, power failure in the power supply network, low charge, gas supply disruption, low PEER) |