Test strips CareSens N No. 50
Product Code: 140
345 uah
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We offer:
- Warranty 12-24 months
- Warranty free service and post-warranty
- Equipment instalation and staff training at the company's expense
- Full customer support (phone consultation even after installation)
- Visiting the exhibition hall
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- Holding conferences and events
- Quick response to a request
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Free delivery from 2000 UAH
The CareSens N Strip Test is a modern solution for home sugar control. The system is distinguished by high accuracy of results, ease of use, and a minimum of blood is required for analyzes. Designed for portable "Care Sens N" blood glucose meters.
CareSens N test strips can be bought in a large economical package No. 50 at a bargain price in our store "House of Medtekhniki" We strictly control the quality of the supplied goods, we order only certified drugs directly from manufacturers.
Keasens N test strips - features, benefits
In the market for portable mini-laboratories and health monitoring systems, the products of Korean companies should be especially noted.
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