Peak flow meter (spirometer) MSA100
Product Code: 1572
4 040 uah
Cash, non-cash, VISA / Mastercard

We offer:
- Warranty 12-24 months
- Warranty free service and post-warranty
- Equipment instalation and staff training at the company's expense
- Full customer support (phone consultation even after installation)
- Visiting the exhibition hall
- Leasing sale
- Holding conferences and events
- Quick response to a request
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Free delivery from 2000 UAH
1.Method of measurements
Flow: Turbine sensor
Scope: Flow integration
2. Range of measurements
Volume: 0.01l ~ 9.99l
Flow: 50l/min ~ 900l/min
3. Accuracy:
Flow: ± 3% or ± 0.05 L (whichever is greater)
Volume: ± 10% or ± 20l/min (whichever is greater)
4. Display: Segment LCD
Size 1.8 inches
5. Memory capacity: 300 measurement results with date and time
6. Parameters measured PSV / FEV1
7. Power source AAA1.5 × 2 batteries
8. Dimensions
Height 12.6 cm
Width 5.4 cm
Thickness 2.8 cm
9. Weight 120g (with batteries and mouthpiece)
10. Data transfer USB cable and disk with data processing program
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Доставка по Україні: Запоріжжя, Дніпро, Миколаїв, Житомир, Харків, Чернівці, Одеса, Полтава, Черкаси, Херсон, Івано-Франківськ, Вінниця, Київ та інші міста України.