
Types of CT scanners


In modern medicine, one of the most informative diagnostic methods that allows obtaining high-quality layered images of the internal organs, bones, tissues and blood vessels of the human body is computed tomography. Thanks to the combined work of X-ray radiation of varying intensity and ultra-sensitive sensors, followed by computer processing, it has become possible to obtain a detailed image of the body part being studied, internal organs or a specific area of ​​the body. Using a computed tomography, doctors have the opportunity to identify various pathologies with high accuracy even at the earliest stages, including injuries, tumors, inflammatory processes and vascular diseases.

How a computed tomography works

During the examination, the scanner makes several turns around the patient's body and takes a series of X-rays from different angles. The computer then combines these images into detailed cross-sections that can be analyzed in different projections.

The main areas of research using high-resolution CT:

  • Head - diagnosis of strokes, tumors, injuries, hemorrhages.

  • Chest - examination of the lungs, heart, aorta.

  • Abdominal cavity and pelvis — assessment of the liver, kidneys, intestines, pancreas.

  • Musculoskeletal system — diagnostics of fractures, arthritis, bone tumors.

  • Vessels (CT angiography) — detection of aneurysms, blood clots, arterial stenosis.

Among the main advantages of computed tomography, it is especially important to note the high accuracy and detail of the images obtained, the speed of the examination — it usually takes 5-10 minutes to examine a specific area of ​​the body. Doctors also appreciated the possibility of examining soft tissues, bones and vessels simultaneously.

Speaking about the disadvantages of any type of CT diagnostics, it is worth noting the following — the use of ionizing radiation, although the doses are minimized. An allergy to a contrast agent is possible, if used. The study is contraindicated for pregnant women (except in emergency cases).

What types of CT are there

Currently, several types of computed tomography (CT) scanners are produced for computed tomography. Each type of equipment has its own characteristics - accuracy level, scanning speed, other features, as well as the area of ​​application. Computer tomographs are divided according to these parameters into:

  • Conventional (traditional) CT scanners.

  • Spiral types of tomographs (SCT).

  • MSCT — multislice (multidetector) computed tomography.

  • CBCT — equipment using cone-beam fluoroscopy technology.

  • Positron emission CT (PET-CT).

Below, we will consider all these types of CT in more detail.

Conventional computed tomography

Conventional high-resolution computed tomography uses a stationary x-ray beam and a rotating platform to scan a specific area of ​​the body. This is one of the first types of CT, which provided significant progress in medical diagnostics. Although in modern practice, traditional CT machines have given way to more advanced technologies, they are still used in some clinical cases.

Spiral computed tomography

Spiral CT (SCT) is an advanced method in which the x-ray source moves in a spiral around the patient's body. This allows for images to be obtained with greater speed and accuracy. A special form of spiral scanning reduces examination time and reduces radiation exposure.

Multispiral computed tomography

MSCT is a modern type of computed tomography for diagnostic studies that uses a multilayer (multidetector) method of obtaining detailed images of internal organs, vessels, bones and soft tissues.

Key features of MSCT:

  • High scanning speed - you can get images in a matter of seconds, which is especially important when examining emergency patients.

  • Thin slices (up to 0.5 mm) - provide a detailed image of anatomical structures and detection of minor pathologies.

  • Three-dimensional reconstruction - the doctor can build 3D models of organs and systems for more accurate diagnostics.

  • Use of contrast - allows for better visualization of vessels and soft tissues.

Multidetector computed tomography is used for the following purposes:

  • Diagnostics of lung, heart, and brain diseases.

  • Examination of the vascular system (CT angiography).

  • Detection of tumors and metastases.

  • Traumatology and assessment of bone and joint damage.

  • Monitoring the effectiveness of treatment.

These types of tomographs are widely used due to their accuracy and information content, although, like any X-ray technique, it is associated with radiation exposure.

Cone beam computed tomography

CBCT is an innovative technology used to obtain three-dimensional images of bone and soft tissue structures. Unlike traditional computed tomography (CT), cone beam tomographs use a cone-shaped X-ray beam, which reduces radiation exposure and produces more detailed images with high accuracy.

The main areas of application of CBCT:

  • Dentistry and maxillofacial surgery, namely, diagnostics of pathologies of the dental system. Planning implantation and orthodontic treatment. Assessment of the temporomandibular joint.

  • Otolaryngology. Examination of the paranasal sinuses and diagnosis of middle ear diseases.

  • Traumatology and orthopedics — assessment of the condition of bone structures in injuries. Diagnosis of degenerative changes in joints.

The advantages of CBCT are low radiation exposure compared to traditional CT, high accuracy and detail. Fast scanning usually takes a few seconds. The method makes it possible to obtain 3D reconstruction.

Positron emission computed tomography (PET-CT)

PET-CT is an advanced method of medical diagnostics that combines the capabilities of two technologies:

  • Positron emission tomography (PET) — reveals the metabolic activity of tissues using radioactive markers.

  • Computer tomography (CT) — provides detailed anatomical visualization.

The patient is injected with a radiopharmaceutical that accumulates in cells with high metabolic activity, such as tumors. A special scanner records the radiation emitted by the isotopes and then combines it with the CT image to accurately determine the location of the pathological process.

The following types of CT studies are performed:

  • Oncology — detection of tumors, metastases, monitoring of treatment effectiveness.

  • Cardiology — diagnosis of coronary heart disease.

  • Neurology — study of Alzheimer's disease, epilepsy, and other neurodegenerative diseases.

The main advantages are high accuracy and early detection of pathologies. The method makes it possible to differentiate malignant and benign tumors, as well as obtain a comprehensive image of anatomy and metabolism.


All known types of computed tomography are quite expensive. In addition, not all clinics and hospitals are equipped with this equipment — patients have limited access to this type of diagnostics. Each clinic that buys this equipment significantly expands the range of services. A reliable supplier of medical equipment in Ukraine is the company "Rad Pharm".

Prospects of computed tomography

Modern trends in the development of CT are aimed at increasing the accuracy of diagnostics, reducing radiation exposure and improving image quality. The main prospects include:

  • Development of artificial intelligence in CT data processing.

  • Reducing the radiation dose while maintaining high detail.

  • Improving functional diagnostics using new contrast agents.

  • New types of CT machines are being developed that use hybrid technologies (PET-MRI, spectral CT).

Computer tomography continues to improve, opening up new opportunities for diagnosing and treating various diseases, making medicine more accurate and accessible.

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