

An operating room is a designated area in a hospital that is specially equipped to perform surgical procedures. Its environment is carefully controlled to ensure the smooth operation and to minimize risks during the procedure.

For example, all operating rooms are brightly lit so that surgeons and other medical personnel can see everything clearly during the entire process. And the patient lies on a special operating table that fixes his or her position.

The right surgical equipment can be a decisive factor in operations of varying complexity. Whether it is a routine operation or a complex life-saving surgery, the surgeon's ability to manipulate instruments with the utmost precision is affected by lighting, the comfort of consoles and the operating table. High-quality medical equipment for surgery allows the surgeon to perform operations according to plan, work with delicate tissues and achieve the desired results. At the same time, modern equipment for the surgical room also maintains the viability of the patient. Artificial respiration devices, anesthesia, defibrillators, heating systems must work smoothly, properly, and should not take up much space around the operating area. High-quality medical equipment for surgery from leading specialized brands is offered in Ukraine at a favorable price by the company "Rad Pharm". We suggest that you familiarize yourself with our catalog and, if you have any questions, contact our manager to clarify the characteristics or items.

What types of surgical equipment are there

Operating rooms for surgical procedures are equipped with various equipment.

Surgical lamps

High-quality surgical lighting is necessary for performing complex procedures indoors. Surgical lamps provide bright white light to illuminate the surgical field and prevent shadows, while they do not heat the air in the room, which is important for the comfortable work of surgical personnel.

Surgical tables

Surgical tables hold the patient in the desired position during the surgical procedure while the surgical team performs the operation. Surgical tables are available in various types and models, each of which is designed for specific purposes. There are general surgical tables, orthopedic tables, and others. General surgical tables are universal and can be used for various types of operations. Orthopedic tables, on the other hand, have additional features such as leg and thigh supports for certain surgical procedures.

Surgical Consoles

Consoles are designed to accommodate equipment or equipment management systems (EMS). They allow for the orderly connection of equipment without the risk of cord tangles that could become a hazard to staff. Consoles also allow for the easy placement and movement of surgical equipment around the operating table when needed. Consoles come in a variety of designs and are selected based on the requirements and capabilities of the specific room.

Ventilators or Anesthesia Machines

Anesthesia machines and ventilators are used to deliver anesthesia and oxygen to patients during surgery. Anesthesia machines are designed to provide a precise and consistent flow of anesthetic gases to the patient, while ventilators are used to support the patient's breathing during surgery.

Anesthesia machines typically include a ventilator, vaporizer, and breathing circuit. They may also include monitoring devices such as a pulse oximeter, capnograph, or tonometer. There are different types of artificial ventilators, including invasive and non-invasive ventilation. Invasive ventilation involves placing a breathing tube in the patient's throat, while non-invasive ventilation involves using a mask or nasal cannulas.


Operating room models of defibrillators include updated screens for improved ECG display. They may also have an AED function and allow you to quickly switch from AED to manual mode. Modern defibrillators can record data and monitor temperature, blood pressure, and pulse oximetry.

Infusion medical equipment for operating rooms

Infusion devices allow for the continuous introduction of drugs and other fluids into the patient's bloodstream at a certain rate. They are often equipped with software that allows the operating nurse to select the operating mode - the interval, speed, and dose of drugs administered into the vein.


This type of operating room medical equipment is used to crush stones in urolithiasis. Models are available in contact and non-contact versions.


Surgical aspirators are medical equipment for the operating room, which are used to aspirate various physiological fluids that accumulate in different cavities of the body during surgery.

Patient heating systems

This specific equipment allows you to solve the problem of hypothermia, increasing the protective abilities of the patient's body and maintaining his body temperature in the desired range.

How to choose equipment for the operating room

Although the main function of the operating room remains unchanged in all medical institutions, the specific layout and equipment may vary depending on the size and specialization of the hospital. If you are planning to buy medical equipment, contact us, and our specialists will select equipment for the surgery department that will fully meet your needs.

We deliver equipment for operating rooms throughout Ukraine, carry out installation, start-up and personnel training. We offer favorable prices to partners. The cost of the service for comprehensive equipment of operating rooms is negotiated individually.

Delivery across Ukraine
Доставка по Україні: Запоріжжя, Дніпро, Миколаїв, Житомир, Харків, Чернівці, Одеса, Полтава, Черкаси, Херсон, Івано-Франківськ, Вінниця, Київ та інші міста України.