Control blood Para 12 Extend 1 x 2.5 ml (1 Norm)

- Warranty 12-24 months
- Warranty free service and post-warranty
- Equipment instalation and staff training at the company's expense
- Full customer support (phone consultation even after installation)
- Visiting the exhibition hall
- Leasing sale
- Holding conferences and events
- Quick response to a request
Supplied in 3 vials of 2.5 ml: 1 vial for low values, 1 vial for high values, 1 vial for normal values. Used for internal quality control.
Purpose: Daily use of control blood ensures the accuracy and reliability of the results. Control blood is analyzed in the same way as test blood samples.
If the analysis is performed adequately and the hematology analyzer is properly set up and calibrated, the results of the analysis in the control blood should be within the values indicated in the calibration table.
Composition: The reagent contains the following components (either several or all): stabilized human (mammalian) erythrocytes, platelets, stabilizers.
closed vial stability: 6 months;
open vial stability: 30 days
Storage conditions: store in a refrigerator at a temperature of 2-8°C
Control blood unsuitable for analysis:
After the expiration date;
Discoloration of control blood (when overheated or frozen during transport);
If the values of the determined parameters are not in the range of the determined values:
Check the correctness of the analysis results;
Check the expiration date of control blood;
Throw away expired blood;
Retest on fresh control blood.
Expiration date until 02.05.2022